What are the CPP Payments in 2024?
The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is a crucial part of Canada’s social security system, providing financial assistance to citizens in retirement, as well as in the event of disability and death. In 2024, CPP benefits in Ontario will continue to be an essential part of the financial security and stability for Canadian individuals and families. Contributions to the CPP can be made by workers, self-employed individuals, and employers, and are determined by earnings. Those who are deemed eligible for this benefit receive monthly payments as a result of these contributions.
To adequately plan for their financial future, all Ontarians should be aware of and informed about the eligibility requirements, application procedures, and methods used to calculate CPP payments.
How are my CPP Contributions Calculated in 2024?
The amount of your CPP retirement pension depends on a couple of factors, such as the age at which you begin contributing, the total amount of your contributions, the length of time you have contributed to the CPP, and your average earnings throughout your working life.
For 2024, the highest monthly amount you could receive if you start your pension at age 65 is $1,364.60. The average monthly amount paid for a new retirement pension (at age 65) in January 2024 was $831.92. Your individualized circumstances will determine how much you are entitled to receive, up to the maximum amount.
As of 2024, your CPP contributions are calculated based on your annual earnings. The contribution rate for employees is 5.95% matched by employers with another 5.95%. If you are self-employed, you must pay both portions, totaling 11.90%. Contributions are made on earnings above the basic exemption amount of $3,500, up to the maximum pensionable earnings amount of $66,600. Therefore, the maximum contribution for employees in 2024 is $3,166.45, and for self-employed individuals, it is $6,332.90.
These contributions are automatically taken out of your pay if you are employed, or you must remit them through your tax return if you are self-employed. To receive individualized advice, it is highly recommended to consult with a financial advisor or a lawyer to determine the best outcomes for your CPP and retirement planning. This information should not be substituted for legal advice.

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When can I Start Receiving CPP Payments, and how do they affect my Retirement?
You can start receiving CPP retirement benefits as early as age 60 or as late as age 70. The standard age to begin CPP payments is 65, but commencing this earlier or later can affect the amount of money you receive.
If you begin receiving payments prior to age 65, your payments will be reduced by 0.65% each month (7.2% per year). Conversely, if you decide to receive payments after you turn 65, your payments will increase by 0.7% for each month (8.4% per year) you delay, up to age 70. Therefore, starting CPP at age 70 can increase your monthly payments by 42% compared to starting at 65.
What are the Eligibility Criteria for Receiving CPP Disability Benefits?
To be eligible for CPP disability benefits, you must have made sufficient CPP contributions and be under the age of 65. Additionally, you must have a severe and prolonged disability that prevents you from working at any job on a regular basis.
The seriousness and duration of the disability are assessed based on medical evidence provided by your healthcare providers. Usually, you must have contributed to CPP in four of the last six years, or for at least 25 years, including three of the last six years. The amount of the disability benefit is calculated based on your average earnings and contributions. Please note that each case has its own unique circumstances and therefore it is highly advisable to speak to a lawyer to determine how to navigate your specific situation.
What kind of Documentation do I Need to Apply for CPP Payments?
To apply for CPP payments, you can file an application online through your My Service Canada Account or submit a paper application by mail. You will need to have your Social Insurance Number (SIN) on hand, banking information for direct deposit, and personal identification documents. In addition, when applying for CPP disability benefits, you are generally expected to include detailed medical information and a medical report completed by your healthcare provider. For retirement benefits, you should apply six months before you wish to start receiving payments to account for processing time.
How are CPP Payments Taxed?
CPP payments are considered taxable income. The amount you receive is included in your total income for the year and taxed according to your marginal tax rate. However, you can split CPP retirement income with your spouse or common-law partner to help alleviate your overall tax burden.
Income splitting allows you to allocate up to 50% of your CPP payments to your spouse, which can be beneficial if they are in a lower tax bracket. To split your CPP income, both you and your spouse must be at least 60 years old and submit a joint election form to Service Canada.
Relevant Cases
Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada v. Canada (Attorney General), 2012 SCC 71
This case deals with three kinds of statutory public sector pension plans for federal public service employees, Canadian Forces members, and RCMP members. Each plan is administered by the Government of Canada as a contributory defined benefit plan. The main legal issue in this case was whether the government’s debiting of over $28 billion from the superannuation accounts based on new legislation (Bill C-78) was lawful and whether the government owed a fiduciary duty to plan members.
Superannuation accounts, in simple terms, are a special kind of savings accounts for retirement. However, in this case, the Court found that these accounts did not hold actual money like a bank account. Instead, the money was mixed into the government’s general funds. The contributions from employees and extra money in these accounts were used by the government to help pay for overall pension costs, rather than being saved separately for the employees.
The SCC reviewed the claims, focusing on three main legal issues: whether the superannuation accounts contained assets, whether the government owed a fiduciary duty, and whether a constructive trust should be imposed over the balances in the superannuation accounts as of March 31, 2000.
A fiduciary duty is defined as a legal obligation to act in another person’s best interest. In this case, the Court found that the government did not have a fiduciary duty to the plan members. This means the government’s relationship with the employees was not one in which they had to manage the employees’ money with the utmost care for their benefit. Instead, the government’s role was more about making sure the pension plans were financially healthy and well-managed, rather than handling the money specifically for the employees.
A constructive trust is a legal doctrine in which a person holding money or property must manage it for someone else’s benefit because it would be unfair for them to keep it. The Court decided not to create a constructive trust for the superannuation account balances. This means that the funding in these accounts was considered part of the government’s general funds. The Court found that the government had not unfairly benefited from the money, since their actions followed the rules set by the legislation.
N.L. v. Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration), [1999] 1 S.C.R. 497
This case deals with important legal issues related to the constitutionality of certain provisions under the CPP that draw distinctions based on age. The case involved N.L., a 30-year-old widow who was denied survivor’s benefits under the CPP because she was under 35, not disabled, and had no dependent children at the time of her husband’s death.
The key legal question was whether the age-based distinctions in sections 44(1)(d) and 58 of the CPP violated section 15(1) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which guarantees equality rights. The Supreme Court of Canada’s decision focused on whether these provisions discriminated against individuals based on age and whether any such discrimination could be justified under section 1 of the Charter.
The Court’s analysis involved three key steps: determining if the law imposed differential treatment, whether this treatment was based on an enumerated or analogous ground, and if the law’s purpose or effect was discriminatory. In this case, the Court found that the CPP provisions did impose differential treatment based on age, an enumerated ground under section 15(1). However, the Court concluded that this treatment did not constitute discrimination within the meaning of the Charter. The legislation’s purpose was to provide long-term financial security to older surviving spouses, who are generally more vulnerable and have greater difficulty re-entering the workforce.
The Court also considered the broader social context, recognizing that while young adults face challenges, they typically have better prospects for long-term income replacement. The age distinctions in the CPP were found to correspond to the actual needs and circumstances of the affected individuals, supporting the legislation’s ameliorative purpose without violating essential human dignity.
This case has significant implications for employment law and the administration of public pension plans, including the CPP in Ontario. It highlights the importance of legislative frameworks that balance fiscal management with fair treatment of all beneficiaries. The holding affirms that government-administered pension plans do not automatically create a fiduciary duty between the government and plan members, given the legislative intent is clear and justifiable. This case is important for understanding the government’s role and responsibilities in managing public pension funds while ensuring equitable treatment of all contributors.