Our Experience

Acupuncture is an essential part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which has been used for several thousands of years. Small, thin needles are inserted into particular, specific bodily locations as part of an age-old healing method to regulate the flow of energy, also referred to as “qi.” In the Western world, acupuncture has become increasingly popular as interest in complementary and alternative medicine expands globally. Acupuncture is regulated in several countries to ensure their safety and efficacy.

If you are an acupuncturist facing legal challenges, reach out to Donich Law for legal assistance. We have significant experiencing in securing positive legal outcomes for healthcare professionals, including acupuncturists, who are facing regulatory and/or legal challenges. Contacting us early in the process can significantly improve your chances of an optimal legal outcome.

In 2023, the Firm represented an acupuncturist accused of sexual misconduct and inappropriate behaviour with a client in the case of Case No. 18*****7. The client was reported to the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario by a long-time patient who alleged that the client had behaved inappropriately during their sessions on multiple occasions. The complainant alleged that the client had spoken to her about personal topics, had brought up the topic of sex, and had undone her bra on one occasion after she failed to remove it before a treatment. The complainant alleged to the College that the client’s behaviour had made her uncomfortable and caused her to stop seeking treatment from him. The Firm litigated the matter for more than two and a half years, presenting evidence to the College to show that the client’s allegations were exaggerated and in some cases, fabricated. The Firm ultimately resolved the matter with an agreed statement of facts outlining what had occurred between the parties. The Firm successfully defeated many of the allegations and provided context to the remaining allegations.

What Legal Issues Surround Acupuncture Practice?

Acupuncture has its own set of legal issues. In order to safeguard the public’s health and safety, regulatory frameworks are intended to ensure the safety and competence of practitioners. Professional conduct violations, unlicensed practice, and malpractice claims can all lead to legal problems.

Acupuncture malpractice claims usually entail accusations of negligence or incompetence, such as when a needle is inserted into the incorrect location and causes harm. Professional liability insurance is required by regulatory organizations to safeguard practitioners and their patients. Another key legal factor is ensuring informed consent, which requires patients to be fully informed about the nature, benefits, and risks of receiving acupuncture treatment.

Unlicensed practice is a major problem since unfit individuals could endanger public health. Cases of unlicensed practice must be looked into and prosecuted by regulatory agencies. Fines, jail time, and orders to cease practicing are some of the consequences for operating without a licence.

Legal repercussions might result from professional misconduct, including inappropriate patient relationships or faking one’s credentials. For example, starting a romantic relationship with one’s client is an instance of professional misconduct. In the case of professional misconduct, regulatory bodies like the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine have the power to suspend or cancel licences and enforce codes and/or standards of conduct.

What are the Regulatory Standards for Acupuncture Practice?

The laws governing the practice of acupuncture vary widely throughout provinces. A common medical technique taught in hospitals and universities, acupuncture is part of the healthcare system in nations like China where Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is widely accepted. On the other hand, Western nations have created specialized legal structures to safely integrate acupuncture into their medical systems.

In Canada, for instance, provinces are in charge of regulating acupuncture practitioners. Professional regulatory organizations that outline requirements for training, certification, and ongoing education typically oversee the practice. These oversight organizations have a duty to make sure that practitioners fulfill strict requirements, protecting the public from incapacitated, incompetent, or acupuncturists unfit to work.

Among these organizations is the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO). It overlooks the practice of acupuncture in Ontario, ensuring that practitioners continue to comply with professional standards and ethical codes. The regulation includes mandatory licensing, complying with a code of ethics, and continuous professional development.

Professional Regulation in Canada

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What happens when an Acupuncturist is being investigated?

The process of being the target of a lawsuit or regulatory investigation as an acupuncturist starts with being notified of the accusations made against the acupuncturist. This notification will succinctly set out the allegations and might also involve a mandated hearing appearance or requests for extra supporting documentation. The regulatory agency that is in charge of the acupuncturist’s practice will look into it, looking through patient records, speaking with witnesses, and determining whether you follow to professional standards.

Here, the acupuncturist will have the opportunity to defend themselves against the accusations by giving a thorough and truthful account of what happened, backed up by any medical documentation.

Both parties will present their positions at a formal hearing. The hearing will often involve expert witness testimony, legal arguments, and cross-examinations. Subsequently the regulatory authority or Court will make a decision. It may include dismissing the case or imposing penalties like fines, licence suspension, or licence revocation. The acupuncturist might be able to appeal the judgment to a higher Court depending on the circumstances.

How is Acupuncture Integrated into the Healthcare System?

There are big differences in how acupuncture is incorporated into traditional healthcare systems. Acupuncture is accepted as a complementary or alternative medicine in particular nations, but it is completely integrated into the healthcare system in others. The regulatory framework and the degree of TCM acceptability in the culture both influence how integrated the practice of acupuncture is.

Acupuncture is making its way into traditional medical practices in various countries like the United Kingdom and Australia. As part of a holistic and interdisciplinary treatment strategy, physicians may refer their patients to qualified acupuncturists. In these situations, acupuncture is oftentimes utilized in combination with traditional medicine and therapies to address diseases like osteoarthritis, persistent pain, and nausea following surgery. In order to certify practitioners and uphold professional standards, the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) is highly significant. Insurance plans frequently cover acupuncture, especially when used for pain relief, which indicates the expanding acceptability and prevalence of acupuncture in traditional medicine.

Understanding Workplace Investigations

How Does Acupuncture Impact Patient Rights and Autonomy?

Fundamental concepts in healthcare, including acupuncture, are patient autonomy and rights. A fundamental component of ethical practice is guaranteeing patients’ autonomy to choose their course of care. Informed consent must be given by the patient, patient privacy must be respected, and the practitioner-patient relationship must be transparent.
Before receiving acupuncture, patients must be informed about the process, its benefits, and risks. This is known as informed consent. Practitioners have a duty to ensure that patients fully comprehend and voluntarily provide informed consent to the treatment. This process enables patients to make autonomous decisions about their healthcare.

Another important consideration is patient confidentiality. Practitioners have a duty to preserve patient privacy, disclosing information only with permission or as required by law. This ensures the connection of trust between the practitioner and the patient, which is necessary for successful treatment.

Being transparent in the field of acupuncture means being open, honest, and accountable about the risks, treatment options, and credentials of the practitioner. It is the right of patients to be informed about the training and background of their acupuncturist, as well as the expected results and expenses of their care.

Following the values of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is a modality of treatment that has been tested time and time again. The field of acupuncture’s continued utilization and application as a safe and efficacious therapeutic option is further ensured by its incorporation into contemporary healthcare systems, as well as the legal frameworks legislating its application.

The regulatory and legal control of acupuncture will remain essential in safeguarding patient rights and public health as demand for complementary and alternative medicine increases. The field of acupuncture can flourish and contribute to holistic healthcare by upholding high standards of practice and abiding by legal and ethical rules.

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Recent Law

L.B. v F.A., 2021 CanLII 4748 (ON HPARB)

The Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (HPARB) looked into a complaint filed against acupuncturist and chiropractor Dr. F.A. L.B., the complainant, claimed that Dr. F.A.’s acupuncture treatment caused a collapsed lung, which required urgent surgical intervention. Following the conclusion of its initial investigation, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee of the College of Chiropractors of Ontario decided not to take any further action against Dr. F.A.

L.B. claimed that Dr. F.A. had neglected to warn the client sufficiently about the risks of undergoing acupuncture, including the possibility of health complications when the upper trapezius muscle is punctured with needles. L.B. further stated that before administering acupuncture, Dr. F.A. did not consult with the original assessor who created her treatment plan, raising doubts about the Dr’s compliance with the College’s standards of practice.

The HPARB reviewed the initial investigation and determined it was inadequate. It stated that the Committee did not adequately look into Dr. F.A.’s qualifications to practice acupuncture or address the details of getting informed consent. The Board emphasized the necessity for a comprehensive evaluation of professional standards and informed consent procedures and instructed the Committee to carry out a more thorough investigation and re-evaluate its findings.

In order to ensure patient safety and responsibility in healthcare services, this case emphasizes how significant it is to have strict regulatory control and comply with professional standards in the practice of acupuncture within the scope of practice.

About the Author

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Jordan Donich

Jordan Donich has been a Lawyer for over 10 years and is a trusted legal analyst by Canadian Media. He is as a leader in Canada’s tech sector for lawyers and developer of Law Newbie. Jordan is a Black Belt with the Japan Karate Association and trained in Krav Maga. He won a Gold Medal at 2004 Canadian National Championships and was published in the National Newspaper Awards.

Jordan has been featured in Forbes and is a member of DMZ Angels in Toronto.